Standard test/quiz no. 420: Testování: Test/quiz: Famous world´s literary works III


Who is the author of short story The Pit and the Pendulum?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Who wrote the novel The Hotel New Hampshire?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Who is the author of the tragicomedy Cid?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Which of the works was not written by Erich Maria Remarque?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Which of the plays was not written by Moliere?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Who wrote the play Waiting for Godot?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Who wrote the novella Animal Farm?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Who is the author of the work Childe Harold´s Pilgri­mage?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Who is the author of the novel Bel-Ami, or The History of a Scoundrei?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Who is the author of the work Prometheus Unbound?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%

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Time limit: 4 minute/s
Will be finished at: 09:26:21
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