Standard test/quiz no. 395: Testování: Test/quiz: Financial analysis IV


Gross margin is often classified among

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


ROCE should be higher than % of current cost of borrowing. Is this assertion correct?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


What is the name for this indicator? OPEX / sales

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


The reason for higher Cash ratio / Absolute liquidity ratio can be

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Generally recommended values for the indicator Quick ratio (Acid test ratio) is ideally around

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


If Net working capital is positive, the company

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Over-capitalization usually means

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Debt ratio (Debt to assets ratio) shall generally come out

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Turnover ratios form part of group of financial analysis indicators of activity. They express

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


What is the name for financial analysis indicator which shows how many times is during the period unit of inventories converted into revenues?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%

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