Standard test/quiz no. 357: Testování: Test/quiz: World´s Classicism, Enlightenment, Pre-romanticism literature I


Which literature author has original name Jean-Baptiste Poquelin?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Who is the author of the play The imaginary Invalid?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Who is the author of collection of 12 books Fables?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Who is the author of comedy The Chioggia Scuffles?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Who is the author of novel Jacques the Fatalist?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Who is the author of Gulliver´s Travels? Please write down only his surname.

Please write down the correct answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Who is the author of Faust? Please write down only his surname.

Please write down the correct answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Which of the works was not written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Which of the plays were written by Fridrich Schiller?

1 or more correct answers are possible; you can select any answer/s. Question will be evaluated by: if you select all correct answers and do not select wrong answers, you gain 100%; in other cases 0%.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


The work Manon Lescaut written by French author Antoine Francois Prevost is

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%

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Time limit: 5 minute/s
Will be finished at: 06:00:19
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