Standard test/quiz no. 405: Testování: Test/quiz: Cost of capital


Risk premium forms part of cost of capital. It does not contain

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 11%


Cost of equity can be calculated by using several methods, such as: Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) or Dividend discount model (Gordon growth model). But the result of the two methods can differ. Is this assertion correct?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 11%


Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) can be graphically presented by Security market line (SML). Is this assertion correct?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 11%


What is missing in the CAPM model formula used for calculation of cost of equity?
??? + beta * market risk premium

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 11%


Is the calculation of cost of equity right? The last dividend per share was € 0,15, current share price is € 0,89, annual growth rate is 3%. D1 = 0,15 * (1 + 0,03) = 0,1545, Ke = (0,1545 / 0,89) + 0,03 = 0,204 (= 20,4%)

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 11%


What is missing in the nominator of Cost of irredeemable (perpetual) debt formula?
Kd = (??? / debt value) * (1 – tax rate)

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 11%


% cost of redeemable debt is calculated

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 11%


What is the cost % used to value retained earnings?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 11%


What is missing in the WACC formula below? Please click to the picture to make it bigger.

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 11%
Testování: Test/quiz: Cost of capital

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