Standard test/quiz no. 406: Testování: Test/quiz: Investment appraisals I


Which cash inflows or outflows are not included to relevant cash-flow during the calculation of net present value?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Which indicator used for investment project evaluation is calculated with the following formula?
Invested amount / annual profit or cash inflow

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Which indicator used for investment project evaluation is calculated by the following formula?
differential total profit / total investment

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Suppose that the loan is repaid in annuity. The installment consists of

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Present value (PV) is calculated from future value (FV) via discounting. Is this assertion correct?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Net present value (NPV) of viable project shall be

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Investment project might have multiple (not just one) IRRs. Is this assertion correct?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


The higher is the discount rate used in net present value (NPV) calculation, NPV will be

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%


Internal rate of return (IRR) can alternatively be calculated by interpolation. Is the formula below correct?

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%
Testování: Test/quiz: Investment appraisals I


The following formula serves for calculation of

1 or more correct answers are possible; however, select only one answer.
Maximum possible % gain: 10%
Testování: Test/quiz: Investment appraisals I

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